SeaCharging – Standardization of charging infrastructure for the maritime transport sector

Contact: Torsten Linders,

Latest in project SeaCharging:

  • 1 June 2023, SeaCharging & SMTF & Lighthouse workshop: Results and the way ahead.
  • 23 Feb 2023, the SeaCharging project report is now available!
  • 1 Dec 2022, SeaCharging presents preliminary results at ‘Council for innovative and climate focused standardizing’ at Chamber of Commerce, in Stockholm.
  • 16 Nov 2022 in Stockholm, SeaCharger stakeholder workshop, presentation of draft report & conclusions and joint work on the way ahead.
  • August 2022, stakeholder interviews completed, results compiled and being analyzed.
  • May 2022, kickoff for project with all partners. WP2 & WP3 prepares interviews with stakeholders.

Purpose and goals, 2022

  1. To create a knowledge base through analysis of the outside world, needs, obstacles and opportunities for how standards for maritime charging infrastructure can be developed, which is important for electrification of maritime transportation and thereby reduction of carbon dioxide emissions,
  2. to ensure a basis for Sweden´s representatives in relevant committees and groups where standards are set, and
  3. to promote standards for maritime charging infrastructure, which contributes to increased innovation and business opportunities for Swedish technology companies.

Expected results and effects, 2022

Dissemination of results is central to the project and will take place both during the project period and after the project has been completed. From the start, the project will have a website, which acts as a landing site and communication channel, both internally for the fairly large project group and for external actors, who come into contact with the project.

An important part of the dissemination of results will take place through project partners being active in the standardization committees that work with charging infrastructure for the marine sector.

Planned approach and implementation, 2022

WP1. Project management and dissemination of results.

Deliverable: Workshop, October 16 November 2022, project group with experts and other actors.

WP2. Description of current situation.

Internal report, September 2022.

WP3. Obstacles and opportunities.

Internal report, October 2022.

WP4. Needs and plan.

Deliverable: Final report, December 2022 February 2023, summarizes conclusions and recommendations, published and made available via the project website.

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