Ocean Data Factory Sweden

About ODF Sweden

Please refer to ODF Sweden website.


ODF Sweden is coordinated by University of Gothenburg, Department of Marine Sciences. Project leader is Torsten Linders. Economic administration is handled by Mattias Lagerberg.

Work packages (with lead and partners)

  1. Lead and external communication, headed by Robin Teigland , Chalmers
  2. (together with RISE and UGOT Marine)
  3. Continuous evaluation & innovation, headed by Yixin Zhang, UGOT AIT.
  4. Data sources & ethical, legal aspects, headed Martin Matsson, Medins
  5. (with contribution from MMT, SeAnalytics, SMHI, SND)
  6. APIs and data streams, headed by Eddie Olsson, RISE.
  7. (with contribution from eDNA Solutions, Maranics, Medins, SMHI)
  8. AI, ML, NN, headed by Benedikt Ziegler, Combine.
  9. (with contribution from Inocean, MMT)
  10. Dissemination & up-scaling, headed by Martin Sjöberg, KMRIC.
  11. (with contribution from RISE)

External advisory board

  • Professor Alex Alcocer, Department of Mechanical, Electronics and
    Chemical Engineering & AI Lab, Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet),
  • Dr. Fabrice Collard, President OceanDataLab, France
  • Dr. Serdar Temiz, University of Rennes and EIT Digital Hub, France
  • Professor Dirk Fleischer, Kiel Marine Science Data and Information
    Manager, Kiel University, Germany.
  • Professor Sergio Leandro, Deputy Director, School of Tourism and Maritime Technology, Politechnic Institute of Leiria, and Head of smartOCEAN, Portugal
  • Jessica Hjerpe Olausson, maritime expert, Västra Götaland Region, Sweden
  • Professor David Langlet, Ocean Governance Law, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Vanja Carlén, Project leader, AI Innovation of Sweden
  • Åsa Burman, Director, Lighthouse – Swedish Maritime Competence Centre

News & media